2430 S. Interstate 35 E #178 Denton, TX 76205

Can Gum Disease Affect Your Teeth? 

Your gums play an important role in your oral health. Strong and healthy gums help keep teeth in place and work to prevent decay. When you have gum disease in Denton, TX, it could affect your teeth as well as the rest of your body. Gum disease causes pockets to form along your gum line, which can lead to worsening dental conditions. Studies have also shown a high correlation between gum disease and heart risk factors. Early intervention and treatment could help protect your oral health.

When you have gum disease in Denton, TX, it could affect your teeth as well as the rest of your body.

The Stages of Gum Disease in Denton, TX

Gum disease, like many other dental conditions, progresses through a few stages. The earliest stage, known as gingivitis, is a crucial stage for treatment. Treating gum disease at this stage often requires minimally invasive procedures such as an antibacterial rinse and a deep cleaning. If caught early enough, gingivitis could be reversed, keeping your gums strong and healthy.


If gum disease continues to grow, it can develop into periodontitis. There are three levels of periodontitis, but all of them can cause irreversible damage to your gums. Mild cases of periodontitis could be treated with a cleaning method known as scaling and root planing. More advanced cases, however, may require laser dentistry or even oral surgery. Once you’ve had periodontitis, your gums are permanently weakened. Your dentist will likely recommend getting additional periodontal maintenance cleanings between your normal hygiene appointments to help prevent the return of gum disease. 

Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

As gum disease progresses, pockets begin to form around your teeth. If these pockets are deep enough, your teeth could become loose. Given enough time, gum disease could lead to your teeth falling out or needing to be extracted. 

These pockets can also make it easier for food particles and harmful bacteria to hide in your mouth. Even if you brush and floss, gum disease typically raises your chances of developing dental decay. Adding an antibacterial mouthwash could help reduce these odds. However, you’ll still need to get more frequent cleanings from your dentist to fully protect your teeth. 

If you have gum disease, your entire mouth could be at risk for further damage. At Stone Creek Dental, we offer a range of periodontal therapy services to help treat gum disease at any stage. Call our office today at 940-329-4605 to schedule a consultation and learn more about gum disease and your oral health.